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The rise of sustainable food and agriculture strategies in private equity

CATEGORY: Sustainable investing market research
DATE: 10 July 2023
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Read the report here

We’re pleased to share our latest sustainable investing focused research, a report on the rise of sustainable food and agriculture strategies in private equity.

The report provides insight on the dynamics emerging in this fast-growing specialist market and examines the investable opportunities attracting capital along its value chain, including:

Long-term tailwinds
Market underpinned by long term sustainability, macro and regulatory tailwinds, such as the need for more resilient supply chains, evolving consumer demands, and advancements in genetics and biotechnology.

Market volume
Specialist and thematic funds representing $60 billion mapped by Campbell Lutyens, including $35 billion from private equity and venture strategies and $25 billion from real assets strategies.

Investment focus
Capital increasingly focused on upstream and vertically integrated opportunities, as downstream foodtech sectors have become crowded and prone to cyclicality in valuations.