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Campbell Lutyens SA has established and maintains an effective procedure for the prompt handling of complaints. Should you have any concerns with our services, please contact our Complaints Handling Officer in writing, in English or French, via the addresses below.

Campbell Lutyens SA
Att. Complaints Handling Officer
10 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt
75008 Paris

Email: compliance@campbell-lutyens.com

Please provide the following information to ensure prompt handling of your complaint:

  • Your identity and contact details
  • Reason(s) for the complaint
  • Where relevant, information and or copies of any documentation supporting your complaint

Filing a complaint is free of charge and we will provide you with an acknowledgement of receipt and initial response in writing within ten business days. Should your complaint require further investigation, a response will be sent to you within two months of receipt. In case we are not able to answer you within this time we will provide you details as to when the response will be provided.

Should our response not be sufficient to address your concerns, please note that a complaint resolution procedure exists with the credit mediator (Mediation du credit) via the following link: https://mediateur-credit.banque-france.fr/ The mediation procedure is free, confidential and impartial.